trust, lack of trust in relationship, trust relationship, lack of trust in a relationship

Right now The Killing is the best show on t.v. The characters of Detective Linden & her partner are complex & authentic. Part of the joy is watching the characters slowly unfold. There are only 2 episodes left and it can be seen online @ The colors are dark in the rain of Seattle & so is the subject of a dead teenage girl.

Only in episode 11 do we learn why Sara Linden is so guarded. She has spent her life in foster homes. We live in a culture where vulnerability is dismissed and a lack of trust is ordinary. As a therapist, it still surprises me when people don’t return because the truth is too hard. It takes an amazing amount of vulnerability and courage to persevere.

Sarah & her partner both keep secrets. Sara only discovers he is a recovering addict because she tails him out of her suspiciousness. On some level cops & therapists are paid to be suspicious and we both search for the truth.

He doesn’t tell her he gives up visiting his son to stay by her side. She acknowledges his help only, by saying the teeny,tiny sentence “Thanks for the ride.” The slow leaking of information plays out so very real & the audience leans forward not to miss any nuance.

We really like these flawed, untrusting characters who know a lot about life’s hard edges.

Our affection is in no small part do to the tremendous acting job done by Mirielle Enos & Joel Kinnamon. They are amazingly real in their roles. Watching their relationship evolve is pure pleasure.

Trust is very difficult for most people for a variety of reasons. The research says the relationship between a therapist & client is a primary element for success. It is my belief that trust can only build on authenticity. While the detectives withhold personal information from each other they are always honest in the things they admit. Some questions they won’t answer because they’re still in the beginnings of their partnership.

Honesty & trust are a very precious commodity in relationships. How they happen in real life is slow over time. It’s very hard to admit the dark side of yourself, despite the fact we all have them. Layers of truth-telling evolve into important relationships. Too often there’s not enough time to share unless you are on a long stake out or you make the effort in your schedule.

Most people don’t share because they’re afraid of disappointing the other person. Some relationships carry the burdens of disappointment & sink under the weight. Revealing our flaws & mistakes is the only way to add depth and what a richness is offered between Linden & Holder. What a bonus that the mystery is excellent as well.

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About the Rhoda Mills Sommer

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