relieve stress, Passion, stress reliever, working on website, deal with stress, process & has been up & running since 2003. This is it’s third reincarnation. When on the net it’s crucial to keep adapting & updating (just like aging over the decades).

When working on major changes or initially building the website I require long stretches of uninterrupted time. This April I noticed it was 10 o’clock & the next time I looked to see if it was time to eat it was 2:30. I’m thrilled to be lucky enough to have passion in my life, because it seems to be a diminishing commodity unless you count shopping.

Certainly discouragement is also a part of the process because I center a quote under a picture & all of the sudden the whole page is centered & I’ve no idea how to repair it. I wonder if anyone will care besides me. That’s what passion does, it keeps me tenacious & excited despite all of my doubts & fears.

I love the learning that goes along with building a new page. I found a study from the University of Sussex that 6 minutes of reading reduces stress by 68%. This is “because the human mind has to concentrate on reading and the distraction of being taken into a literary world eases the tensions in muscles and the heart.” Who knew this was such an effective way to reduce stress?

There is struggle. It has been very difficult to find design help that isn’t expensive or about false promises. I’m not a corporation with a big budget. I’ve been burned while working on an act of love.

There is delight. I ran around Pittsburgh taking pictures on a beautiful April day & was so surprised at the results. That late afternoon, blushing sun really helps a lot, just as I learned in the Ritz camera course (the other option of getting up early was never going to happen).

It’s also pretty neat to have clients find me & think we might be a match because of a page or blog post. Finding the right therapist match can be a tricky business.

It is enormous effort. I spent hours listening to TED talks, you tubes & movies. I found one delightful movie that I never even heard of Broken English that could go on either the stress page or the single & dating page. I will also use it for a blog post, it’s that good.

Everything in life boils down to “Is it worth it?” I don’t know too many therapist websites that aren’t simply about marketing. I love reaching out to help people in bigger numbers. This is one way I chase meaning for my life & that makes it worth it.

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About the Rhoda Mills Sommer

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