From Clashes to Connection: Using Disagreement to Deepen Relationships

Agreement and harmony are too often celebrated as the cornerstones of strong relationships, it is only in the presence of healthy disagreement that truly adds depth, resilience, and growth to these bonds. Disagreement, when approached constructively and respectfully, can foster better understanding, promote critical thinking, and lead to enhanced empathy and connection among individuals. When […]

Sleep: Separating Fact from Fiction for Better Sleep and Stronger Relationships

Sleep is a universal experience that affects everyone. Today we will discuss sleep hygiene, sleep disorders, and sleep-related issues in relationships, you will gain valuable information and strategies for improving your sleep and overall well-being. Sleep is particularly relevant to relationships, as poor sleep habits can impact both partners and cause relationship stress. Sleep disorders […]

Building Trust: The Foundation Of Strong Relationships

It’s no secret that trust is one of the most important elements in a relationship. It gives it its foundation, making sure everything else can fall into place and stay there. Without trust, relationships don’t stand much chance for success – infidelity or poor communication can lead to disputes which often cause hurt feelings on […]

Unlocking The Secret To No More Arguing

Couples need guidance for navigating conflict wisely and skillfully. Hearing what someone has to say is integral in communication, particularly when working through a conflict. Being able to really listen and take in another person’s perspective can be the difference between resolving an argument or making it worse. Good listening means hearing them out without judgment, […]

Relationships with Yourself & Others While In Recovery

Recovery can be very difficult because of shame. Shame is an obstacle to healing for everybody. How do you face hard truths about your own dark side without drowning in the shame? Learn how to balance the footprint of shame that stomps on your soul. The only way to continue to respect that your partner’s […]


Parenting teens can be a struggle and an additional stress on relationships. Your sweet easy to maneuver children turn into road blocks & obstacles. Parents wonder what happened & where did they go wrong. It’s really not about what went wrong it’s about understanding you’ve entered a new world and you have to find the […]

podcast, relationship, podcaster

The nitty gritty about what relationships require to survive presented by a psychotherapist of 40+ years of experience. The episodes are 20-30 minutes of substance without any ads.